Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Campbell's Chunky Soup, Grilled Chicken & Sausage Gumbo

Sometime, I don't have time to cook or don't have enough leftovers for lunch. So, in cases like this, I will resort to the unthinkable and stock up on (gasp) canned soup.
I know, I know, blasphemy!!! I'm sorry to all of those whose illusions I've just shattered.

But I digress. The reason I'm talking about canned soup is that I recently discovered Campbell's chunky grilled chicken & sausage gumbo soup. Most canned soup have very little flavour and lots of salt to compensate. There are some exceptions, of course, and this soup is one of them (well, maybe not the salt part). 

I'm so used to canned soups' bland and average taste that it took me a while for my brain to register that what I was eating was actually good and more complex. I was just gobbling it up, thinking about work while my taste buds were nagging at me, telling me to pay attention cause something yummy was happening in my mouth.

This soup is loaded with flavour. The broth itself was very tasty and actually spicy! Not please-the-lowest-common-denominator spicy, but actually reaching-for-a-bit-of-water spicy. This was very much appreciated and surprising coming from a large company like Campbell's. It's also very hearty, with the chicken and sausage pieces. It reminds a lot of this Hungarian dish called letcho, which is made with Hungarian yellow peppers and sausage. Although, I'm sure my in-laws would disagree and of course it's no way near as good as home-made letcho ;-)

So if you are ever in need of a quick fix for lunch, reach for this tasty canned soup. You'll be surprised at how delicious it is (I promise I don't secretly work for Campbell's).

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